The animated film is a series of tales about animal life, friendship and being close. A declaration of love; the relationship between young and old, and about the desire to go on wonderful, fantastic adventures. It is produced for the youngest audience and their parents. Based from Lena Sjöbergs highly acclaimed book with the same name.
Director and scriptwriter Linda Hambäck and Marika Heidebäck
Text and illustration Lena Sjöberg
Composer Martin Östergren
Storyteller Nina Persson
Animation Dockhus Animation
Producer Linda Hambäck
Production company LEE Film
Financiers Svenska Filminstitutet, Film i Väst, SVT, NFTF, YLE
Distributor in Sweden Folkets Bio AB
International sales LEE Film
Formats 30 minutes feature, 2 minutes x 13 eps TV series
Release year 2014